How to Order Locket Size Photo Prints

Watch a super short (under 2 minutes) video on how to order prints to fit inside a locket.

Additional Tips on How to Order Locket Size Prints

If you are ordering locket prints on your phone you can zoom in or out by pinching/reverse pinching with your fingers. You can move the image around by single pressing on the photo and then moving your finger around.

If you are ordering on a computer you can zoom in and out using the scroll wheel on your mouse. You can move the image around by clicking and dragging the image.

Rotation: it is easy to rotate the image as needed to fit inside the shape you have chosen, just use the rotation buttons below the image.

The Shrink to Fit option will zoom the image out so the whole image shows within the crop box. You can then zoom back in if needed and or rotate the image. This can help when the image is a little too tight.

What Type of Image Works Best in a Locket?

For heart shapes, images of a couple work well - like a head and shoulders shot, then the top of the heart shape can come down between the 2 heads. A single person can fit in a heart shape locket if there is a enough room all around them. Like the cat photo used in the video above.

Circle and Oval shaped lockets are great for either individual or couples.

Also in general it is best if the background behind the subject is simple and not too busy. You want the subject to be the main focus and not have it get lost.